
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

1st Shipment for Ordinary Grace

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If you have not yet read about Ordinary Grace in my earlier post, I encourage you to check it out and then come back and finish reading this one.
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I have finished my first order of boxes for Lauren's "Grace Packages" that she will be shipping to pediatric cancer patients and their siblings across the world!  Though only 16 years old, she is truly making a difference in the lives of these fighters and their families through her organization, "Ordinary Grace."  Lauren, a huge advocate for childhood cancer, has recently flown all the way to Missouri just to participate in a 5K for Braden's Hope, a foundation that raises money and awareness for childhood cancer.  This girl truly amazes me!

Kyra, age 3
Sister of a Cancer Warrior

Lena, age 4
Cancer Warrior

Ava, age5
Cancer Warrior

Luke, age 5
Brother of a Cancer Warrior
Shelly, age 6
Cancer Warrior

Hayden, age 12
Brother of a Cancer Warrior

Kaylee, age 14
Sister of a Cancer Warrior
Labels on the inside of each of the boxes.
I want to give a HUGE shout-out to my friend Jessica D. and her family.  I got this message from her the other day after I posted about Ordinary Grace:
Yesterday at lunch I was walking back to the office and found some cash on the ground. I couldn't find anyone around to ask if it was theirs or if they saw whose it might be. And it wasn't like there was a lost and found to give it to. So I put it in my desk and said I would think about someone/place to donate it to. It was only $7 so thankfully nobody lost a lot of money. As I was leaving for the day, I said a prayer for God to tell me who to give the money to plus additional amount from me. And right after that I checked my Facebook and saw your message....
She has since decided to cover the entire cost of shipping for these 7 boxes!  What an incredible blessing!  If you would like to help out in some way, please e-mail me at, message me on Facebook, OR better yet, contact Lauren at  I only help out by providing boxes and sending them to Lauren.  She is the one who fills them and sends them to cancer warriors around the world.  Any little bit helps!!!

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