
Monday, April 11, 2011

EXTRA "Ordinary Grace"

After becoming inspired by different small businesses such as UCreate and Little Bird Vintage Designs who are reaching out to help raise money for Japan through creative measures, I prayed for a way to make my painting "purposeful."

The next day, I received this e-mail:
"Hi there! My name is Lauren, I am sixteen and I run an organization for kids with pediatric cancer, "Ordinary Grace." I send 'Grace' packages and baskets to children fighting cancer all over the world. I pay for everything out of pocket and enjoy every second of it! For non-local kids, I send a Grace package with a blanket, a painted canvas with a gold ribbon (childhood cancer symbol) and their name, an essential bag for their parents, and a small decorative box (like the one pictured) for the child and their sibling(s).

I put items like play jewelry, silly bandz, beanie hats, play dough, coloring books, crayons, stuffed animals, etc. in the boxes. I have been looking for a unique box to include from now on in my packages. I came across yours and it is absolutely perfect. I wanted to see if you would be willing to donate a few or possibly give me a discount? I would like to start using these, or ones similar to it, in every package...would it be possible to purchase a large quantity?
Thanks for any help!
God is truly amazing!  He answers prayers in perfect timing!  It is by His grace that I have met this angel of angels who is truly making a difference in the world by putting a smile on the faces of kids and their family members who are trying to fight this nasty battle.

So I immediately make a trip to Michael's and right outside is a huge display of BOXES on SALE for $1.50 each!  Normally, these photo boxes cost me closer to $5!!!  God is so good!

Kidspired Creations will be personalizing the boxes for Ordinary Grace's "grace packages" to be sent to pediatric cancer patients all over the world!  If you are interested in helping me purchase and ship boxes to Lauren so she can fill them, please contact me at for details!

While I found these boxes on sale, they will not always be so cheap and shipping is ridiculously expensive these days... so every little bit helps!

MORE IMPORTANTLY, if you would like to donate to Ordinary Grace, please visit the donations page for ways that you can help.  You can either donate money or items to go into the box.  Lauren has also posted a free printable coloring page that your kids could color and send to her to include in her grace packages!

And lastly, the best thing you can do is PRAY!  Pray for the kids that they beat cancer so they can live normal, happy lives; pray for the parents, siblings, family and friends whose hearts are aching for their little ones; pray for the doctors that they do everything they can to help these precious children; pray for Lauren and "Ordinary Grace" that her grace packages deliver instant smiles and make the long hospital stays a little more tolerable!  Your prayers will go far!

Meet Lauren:
'Ordinary Grace' on the News

Learn more about 'Ordinary Grace':

Please "LIKE" Ordinary Grace on Facebook for updates on kids and deliveries!

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