
Monday, May 2, 2011

Fleur de Teach

Teachers of the world:  
We appreciate all you do for our kids! 
Thank you for your hard work!
~ Parents of Young Scholars

Crista painted this for her grad school mentor teacher.
James worked really hard on his gifts, inspired by Handprint and Footprint Art, for his teachers for Teacher Appreciation Week.  We painted his hand and the lower part of his arm brown to make the tree trunk and branches.  He then used his finger tips to create the green leaves.  After everything dried he then made apples using two index finger prints right next to each other.  I painted stems and leaves on the apples.  James' teacher was so appreciative of his thoughtful gift!

 I got these cute little marigold flower pots from the Target $1 bins.  We made the apples with fingerprints again and I painted the stems and leaves.

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