
Saturday, May 21, 2011

"God created everything..."

"God created everything,
Butterflies and birds that sing.
The sun and stars and sky of blue.
But best of all,
Created you."

This adorable cross statue was the inspiration for this little girl's bedroom.  When her Mommy, Jessica, asked me to paint letters to match it, I got so excited because, after all, you know how much I love jungle animals!!!

Jessica wanted me to paint her daughter's first and middle name "Kahlan Hope."  With ten letters, it can be tricky to come up with a design for each letter.  I thought about doing a whole landscape across all of the letters (the picture from one letter would overlap to the next letter), but I didn't know how she was going to hang the letters:

Kahlan Hope



Since I wasn't sure, I alternated colors and patterns with animals so it wouldn't get too busy AND she could play with different ways to hang the letters.

Kidspired's Creation

The giraffe is my favorite ;-)

The Reveal:

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