
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Special Pick-Up and Delivery

Look what my aunt made for James!!!  I am in LOVE with his new tooth fairy pillow!  My aunt Barbara (Aunt Baba as we so affectionately call her) is soooo talented...
...and smart too... she got this floss container that looks like a tooth and had my uncle Dan (Uncle Dee Dee) remove the floss to make a GREAT holder for lost teeth!  Fits perfect in the truck pocket!

More of my aunt's creations...
James and Leyson's bedding:  LSU/OU House Divided
My nursing cover... she made it extra large and used a baby wash cloth as a pocket on the under side to wipe up spit up or to hold a binky or nursing pads.  The material was an old map of the world. I just love this nursing cover!  Way better than anything I could have bought at the store (and she made me 2!)

She also made some ADORABLE dresses for my niece-in-the-belly, Abby, using these materials.  I forgot to take pictures, but will post some later.
Thanks for all you do, Aunt Barbara!!!

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