
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Kidspired, Mother Approved

Bo and I have had these white shelves since we moved into our last house in 2007.  White shelves, no where to hang them, no supplies to hang them, just the boards.  So, I claimed them as Kidspired Creations property for me to paint on one day.

Well, yesterday was the day, because I was bored?  No.  Because I didn't have anything to do?  No... I was working on several projects at once.  Because once I get an idea in my head I can't let go of it until I do it?  Exactly...

James and Leyson helped me :-) and we had a lot of fun... well, we really found out how ticklish Leyson's feet are, so he didn't have as much fun.

Hands off, Mommy
Ticklish Piggies

 Bo:  "So, uh, what is this thing for?"
Me:  "Um... well, that's a good question."
I hope to use this for craft fairs and such whenever I start going down that path.  For now, it was just a fun project :-)

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