
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Alice in Wonderland Un-Birthday Party

We celebrated my sister-in-law turning 30 with an Alice in Wonderland Un-Birthday Mad Hatter Tea Party!  This party was so much fun to plan and prep... and even more fun to attend!  What better way to use your creative side than with a theme that is famous for its extreme and limitless imagination?!?  
"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary-wise; what it is it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would, you see."                ~Alice

As a surprise to you, I added a special "how to" to make your own game of flamingo croquet!  So keep reading!

 Tea Party
After searching garage sales, thrift stores, antique shops, we finally got enough mix-matched tea pots and kettles to fill the table!  We used floral silk scraps to cover the metal chairs and table, and put a beautiful purple bouquet in the largest tea kettle.

Tasty Treats
Topsy Turvy Cake!  Perfect for a Mad Hatter Tea Party!
Handmade "Drink me" labels for all of the Kool-Aid bottles.

"Eat Me" sugar cookies.  I used food writers to write on the cookies.
Entertainment: Flamingo Croquet
Pink paint
Black Paint
Lawn Flamingos

How to:
1.  Paint the croquet mallets pink.
2.  Paint 3/4 of one side of the head of the mallet black to make the beak of the flamingo.
3.  Paint an eye on each side of the head of the mallet.
  4.  On the balls, paint a cute little hedgehog face using the pink paint.  Use white to make "quills."
 5.  Tape 2 wickets to the back of each of the cards (see image below)
I'm pretty good at using MS Paint, huh?
6.  Place the wicket cards and lawn flamingos randomly throughout the yard.
(The lawn flamingos are wickets too!)

Anything goes!
That's me following the rules.
And don't forget...
Your Mad Hats!
Me and the Hubs... despite the umbrella on his head, I love this picture of my husband :-)



  1. This looks like so much fun. How creative of you.

  2. Thank you! It was a blast! And it's so fun to be creative with such an imaginative theme!


Hi, this is Casey! Thank you for your interest in Kidspired Creations! Please leave a message below so I know that you stopped by and please, e-mail me at if you have any questions about my art.