
Monday, July 25, 2011

Swamp Baby

I am so super excited that (a) one of my besties is expecting a baby, (b) the nursery theme is a SWAMP (alligators, pelicans, egrets, bald cypress trees... the works!), and (c) I get to help her nest!  I love nesting, preggo or no preggo... I just love assisting in making a nursery ready for the arrival of a new bundle of joy!

I spent a few hours today practicing what is going to be painted on the focus wall of the nursery.  I did two samples, one realistic landscape and one cartoon, for Mommy and Daddy to choose from:
Option 1:
While this one isn't the winner, I now have a new art piece for my living room.

Option 2:  The WINNER:!
I did a lot of this one while holding my 21 month old.  Talk about challenging.


  1. Casey these are both wonderful! Wherever we are living when we get to that point, we'll just have to fly you and the family up to help us with a nursery. Hope to see you sometime soon -- it's been WAY too long!

  2. I'm there! Miss you! It has definitely been WAY too long!


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