
Monday, August 8, 2011

DIY: Decorative Metal Storage Bins

Well, it's final.  The baby crib is packed away!  My younger son is in a big boy bed so it was time to say "adios" to his baby days!  I didn't shed too many tears, though, because FINALLY we had a place to put TOY STORAGE in the boys' room!  And this made me GIDDY...

Until our "help" arrived...
They made things a little challenging.

But we finished!  It only took about 3 times as long to put everything together...
Yikes!  This is pretty and everything, but I have filled up all the metal bins already and there is still a playroom full of toys that need to find a place to live.  Back to the store to buy more white bins...
$2.50/bin at Target.  Beats the $6.99 for the cloth storage bins.
I think 19 should be enough.  (This is a pretty good sign that your kids have too many toys).  I don't like how the white bins blend in with the white shelves, so being the color nut that I am, I decided to have a little fun with spray paint.
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1.  Tape the parts that you want to stay white.

2.  Put paper or plastic inside so the paint doesn't spray through to the other side.

3.  Put a string through the holes to hang the bins while you paint.
4.  Hang the bins far from your house, concrete, anything you don't want to turn the color of your paint.
TIP:  Paint WITH the direction of the wind so you don't get paint in your face.  Lesson learned.
Another TIP:  Spray in quick swiping motion because if you spray too long in one spot, the paint gathers in the holes.  Lesson also learned.
One more TIP:  Do not drop a freshly painted bin on your pants.  Paint does not come off.  Lesson, apparently, not learned because I did this several times. No damage to the bins though, so I win.
Yes, this is the Car Wash from James' birthday party.
Ok, painters tape is AWESOME and LSU and OU have pretty easy letters to make.
Now let's see how long this room will stay clean... ::sigh:: I at least got a few nice pictures of it!

Looks great in their room with their new bunk beds!
I didn't get a picture with all of the painted bins, but you get the idea.

1 comment:

  1. this came out very cute. you have the best idea's!!
    ~sheena b gill~


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