
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Pecan House

The Pecan House is my son's nickname for my art studio (which doubles as our guest house), a very original name considering the crazy-huge pecan tree in our yard.  Having this space has really allowed me to expand my business because now I don't have to move my wet art away from toddler hands.  I can simply paint and leave it to dry (which allows me to make an even bigger mess than I used to make). 

When we bought our house, The Pecan House was far from pretty... like really far... but nothing a paintbrush and some funky colors couldn't fix! 
First I had to choose paint colors.  Decisions, decisions....
 Then I had to paint my "found treasures."

I made a few friends who were living inside my "found treasures."



My work station
Pirate checking out the paint job.  He approves.

I had to do SOMETHING with all of those paint samples... 
 You might be saying, "That is one messed up frame!  Surely you could fix that!"
One might think so.
However, this frame has some obvious history!  Not sure what that history is, but I definitely couldn't paint over it.  It's too much fun to guess what this rotting old frame with multiple paint colors and textures has been through.

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