
Kidspiration of the Month

Child with a Dove, 1901

“Every child is an artist. 

The problem is how to remain 

an artist once we grow up.”


~Pablo Picasso




1. The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.  (Courtesy of Google dictionary)

Hmmm that's interesting... I don't see an age limit to that definition.  Well, that's perfect because I am going to broaden your horizons about what is considered art.  I am super excited to introduce to you a new feature to my blog... REAL Kidspiration - art created by kids!  That's right!  Each month I am going to feature a new artist who is under the age of 18 and give him/her a place to feature his/her artwork for everyone to see!



JULY 2011

Click here to learn more about Ava!
Age 5
San Antonio, Texas

"Ava's favorite subject in school is art - specializing in painting - and she absolutely loves to paint rainbows." 




MAY 2011

Click here to learn more about Liberty!
Age 5
North Carolina

"Her favorite artist is her friend Greyson at school and he inspires her to draw."

 APRIL 2011

Click here to learn more about Katie.
Age 11
Chino, California

"... My favorite thing to do in my spare time is to draw.  Whether I do it with markers, crayons or charcoals, it is something that I truly love...."

If you would like to submit your child's artwork for Kidspiration of the Month, please e-mail Casey at with the name, age and a brief description of the child, along with a few pictures of his/her artwork.