
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

2nd Shipment for Ordinary Grace

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If you have not yet read about Ordinary Grace in my earlier post, I encourage you to check it out and then come back and finish reading this one.  You can also check out my 1st Shipment for Ordinary Grace.  Enjoy!
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Our Grace kid, Ava Nichols, that we posted about previously has been transferred to the PICU due to a recent stroke and two long lasting seizures this morning.  Please, again, keep Ava and her family in your prayers.
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I have finished the 2nd order for seven more Grace boxes for Ordinary Grace.  Before I show you pictures, I want to first thank two ladies who are donating to help me cover the cost of buying and shipping these boxes.  Jana W. has volunteered to cover the cost of all the boxes that I have purchased for the Grace kids!  THANKS, JANA!!!  Jessica D. has offered to cover the shipping costs to get these boxes from New Iberia, Louisiana to Nashville, TN!  THANKS, JESSICA!  These ladies are truly awesome and have HUGE HEARTS!  Thank you so much!!!

Kidspired's Creations:
Kate, 7
Cancer Warrior who has recently relapsed
 Olivia, 9
 Sister of Cancer Warrior, Kate
Will, 5
Brother of Cancer Warrior, Kate

Trevor, 8
Cancer Warrior who was just recently diagnosed with Leukemia
Ethan, 12
Brother of Cancer Warrior, Trevor

Jack, turning 4 this month!
Cancer Warrior battling Stage 4 Neuroblastoma
Braden, 1
Brother of Cancer Warrior, Jack
Please lift these cancer warriors up in prayer as they battle this illness.  Also, please pray for their siblings who have to witness their brother or sister in pain.  Some are too young to understand, but it may be even harder for those siblings who do understand.  Pray for dear little Ava who is having a rough time right now and is being cared for by nurses in doctors in the PICU.  Thank you for your prayers!

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