
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mod Podge Really Does Rock

I discovered this blog called Mod Podge Rocks which is all about, you guessed it, Mod Podge!  I have been reading this blog for a while just dying to try out this crazy hobby of decoupaging that my mom and mom-in-law both say, "I did that growing up!"

I finally decided what my first project for Kidspired Creations was going to be and let me tell you, I will be Mod Podging a lot more items!  Having never decoupaged before, I decided to start with the blog's link to "Mod Podging for Dummies" or more nicely put, "Learn How/Tips."  She shows step by step videos that truly help out us visual learners.

And thanks to her videos, here is what I made!
Here's how it was done...
Paper face down over my wooden plaque.
Use a crayon and lightly color over the edges, the real edge will appear darker.
No need to paint the whole thing, it will be covered in paper.
Here is when I watched the videos so that I could do this...
Now they are ready for their hooks!
Kidspired's Creations:

This particular one is still for sale:  $30 + shipping.  Comment below if you want it!
I cannot wait for my first craft fair one day!  I will definitely be selling these!  After this last one sells, I will be closing shop for the month of June for family vacations to Oklahoma, Tennessee and California!  Please pray for our safe travels!  Thank you for your interest in Kidspired Creations!!!

1 comment:

Hi, this is Casey! Thank you for your interest in Kidspired Creations! Please leave a message below so I know that you stopped by and please, e-mail me at if you have any questions about my art.