
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Swamp Nursery: DONE!

Wahoo!  Baby Easton is due to arrive in less than 5 weeks and Mommy and Daddy have been busy nesting... and I got to help!!!  I only had to hear two things before my mind spazzed into design mode:  "It's a boy!"  and "Swamp theme!"  YES!  I have been so excited about this nursery, and you could probably tell because I started blogging about it a while ago in my post, Swamp Baby

Well, guess what, folks?  IT'S DONE!  Easton's baby shower was last weekend, so I got to take the final photos of the completed nursery (before all of the loot from the shower made it's way into the room).  Drum roll, please...

Mommy Meryn was a huge help holding paint cans and bringing me food and drink so I could paint the day away.

The framed paintings were Easton's shower gift from me.
I'm in love with the huge stuffed gator, Al, in the corner of the room.
The animals in the room, per Daddy Trevis' request.  He was especially excited about the pelican.
Super cute and adorable alligator-themed shower by Meryn's sister and Easton's Nanny, Krista.
Me and Meryn in Easton's completed nursery!
Linked up at my favorite design blog, Design Dazzle.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that is just adorable! I love nurseries with handpainted murals. Who would have thought a swamp theme would turn out so darn cute?! Al is a nice touch as well. Well done! ;-)


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