
Friday, January 11, 2013

Hoo! Hoo! An Owl Bedroom for Two!

Last May, I painted a growth chart and letters for new baby girl Kennedy's butterfly nursery!  Well, Kennedy just became a big sister the week before Thanksgiving to TWIN GIRLS, Kate and Klaire!  I was beyond thrilled to paint letters and growth charts for our dear friends' new bundles of joy!  I was also super excited to paint decor for an OWL-THEMED room!


ZUTANOBLUE Owl Brights 4 pc Crib Bedding Set

How cute is this bedding??????  So cute that my sister, after helping me paint the growth charts, decided to get this bedding for her baby too!
Kidspired's Creation!

My husband and I meeting Kate and Klaire for the first time!
(And Bear sneaking into our pic in the background)

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